Media Challenges in the Digital Era – Mainz-HAC Cooperation Project 2021-22

Fake News and Media Criticism

More and more journalists are being attacked. It's not necessarily because of their opinions

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text el_class="ltrf"] In the State of Israel, many citizens still consume the news from the traditional media. Yet in recent years we observe a growing phenomenon of citizens who attack...

  • 2 בדצמבר 2021

More and more journalists are being attacked. It's not necessarily because of their opinions

Netanyahu mocks a journalist's eyebrows

Public confidence in the media was high when the Corona crisis started, then it all changed

They hate the channel, but watch it anyway

The damage caused by attacks on the media

Fake news escalates before every elections

(נצפה 48 פעמים, 1 צפיות היום)